Separated From Others
separated from others the shape of an ear catches my attention I don’t know where to start she says and I overhear him begin to give her advice. I don’t know where to start where to continue or where to end you just sit there writing a man says to me how do you know if what you are writing is any good driving fast in the darkness I take the curves hoping for the best but it is very dark and I don’t really know the way though the road seems familiar I am growing weary and images shadows of trees cross the windshield the color of your eyes are you just making it up as you go along he asks I think so but at times order seems to assert itself last night moths spread out evenly across the sky like UFOs and dipped over me as I stood holding the back door looking upward it seemed a bad sign a person sleeps on the street and I long to put a pillow under his head but we all accept gifts so badly
Originally published in Nixes Mate Review Issue 12 Summer 2019